Public Policy Initiative

What if? The accessibility features of information and communications technology (ICT) products and services didn’t cost developers anything?

What if? Maintaining the accessibility of ICT didn’t cost developers anything?

What if? Developers could get paid for including the accessibility of ICT? So it ended up costing nothing?

What if? End users could upgrade the ICT they use while costing them nothing?

What if? People with disabilities were employed to verify accessibility while costing developers nothing?

What if? Accessibility experts got paid while costing developers nothing?

What if? The excuse that accessibility costs too much simply went away?

There is a Strategy

Talk to Access Ready to find out how.
Funding and/or Influence
We need your help!

Access Ready, Inc.
Douglas George Towne
Chair and Chief Executive Officer
Direct (727) 452-8132

Public Policy Initiative Documents























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